h5s r5.1 released

5.1 0506 2018
1.Add video file upload api.
2.Fix some time webrtc can't play issue.
3.Add ubuntu 16.04 and Centos7 webrtc support.
4.Fix webrtc object delete memory leak.
5.Add webrtc RelatedPublicIp for cloud local does't have public IP.
6.lic file name does't need to be h5ss.lic, can change to *.lic.
7.Add http://localhost:8080/rtc.html?token=token2-1 mode for ws.html rtc.html rtmp.html
8.Add HLS ondemand support with websocket connect keepalive.
9.Change all the default ui has playinline for iOS.

h5s r4.2 released

4.2 0426 2018
1.Add Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * for api.
2.JS api can use the video dom directly, does't need id.
3.Fix h265 rtsp source crash issue.
4.Add bDynSrcSave does not save the src to file, the src will auto delete after restart.
5.Add GetRunInfo networkin and networkout bandwidth.
6.Fix cloud mode public ip address change delete issue.
7.Add time zone in the record path, default use the system time zone.

rapidvms opencv prepare build

In rapidvms, most thrid party windows are pre build such as poco and ffmpeg, but for the opencv, the prebuild is about 400M,

you in next release, we need remove prebuild library for opencv.

So you want to build rapidvms new version, you need prepare the opencv. 

1. Build x86 version: Open VS2017 x86 Native Tools command, and then cd 3rdparty\opencv exec the build-win32.bat

2. Build x64 version: Open VS2017 x64 Native Tools command, and then cd 3rdparty\opencv exec the build-x64.bat