News & Blog

h5s r5.3 released

5.3 0521 2018
1.Add Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * for GetImage api.
2.Change all the windows SDK to 8.1.
3.Fix js sourceBuffer.updating warning.
4.Change default 8090/8091 port to 8890/8891 for 8090/8091 is used by WIN7 system.
5.Add RTSP connect fail detail host information.

h5s r5.2 released

5.2 0514 2018
1.Fix HLS can gen m3u8 and ts fmp4 file when running as windows service.
2.Path record does’t check with local time, just record the duration.
3.Add manual record start/stop.
4.GetSrc add bRec status.
5.Add https(wss) video push support.
6.Fix there has webrtc message parse error when web closed.
7.Add auto play when the browser support.
Chrome support this http://localhost:8080/rtc.html?token=token1&autoplay=1

h5s r5.1 released

5.1 0506 2018
1.Add video file upload api.
2.Fix some time webrtc can't play issue.
3.Add ubuntu 16.04 and Centos7 webrtc support.
4.Fix webrtc object delete memory leak.
5.Add webrtc RelatedPublicIp for cloud local does't have public IP.
6.lic file name does't need to be h5ss.lic, can change to *.lic.
7.Add http://localhost:8080/rtc.html?token=token2-1 mode for ws.html rtc.html rtmp.html
8.Add HLS ondemand support with websocket connect keepalive.
9.Change all the default ui has playinline for iOS.